February 1st, 2022 : Our telephone support line is currently down. For support please call 514 287-1523.

Privacy policy for personal information

Privacy Policy for Personal Information

This privacy policy, as mandated by Quebec's Law 25, aims primarily to safeguard your privacy by regulating the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by our company.

It establishes the rules and obligations that our company must adhere to when processing your personal data, particularly concerning transparent data collection, obtaining your consent, ensuring the security of your information, and outlining measures taken in case of privacy breaches.

The objective of this policy is to strike a balance between our company's interests in utilizing your personal information and your right to privacy protection.

  1. Entity Collecting Your Personal Information

Compagny Name : MFG Technologies

Mailing Address : 2 Chem. de la Bourgade, Eastman, QC J0E 1P0, Canada

Phone Number : 1-877-377-1634 

Email Address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Legal Name : Corporation

  1. Personal Information Collected

 Our cookies :

Connection data (IP addresses, connection logs)

  • Consent cookie: This cookie notifies you that cookies are used on our website and ensures that you have given your consent. It is a purely technical cookie necessary for compliance with Law 25.

Cookie lifespan: User session

  • Cookie [abcdef0123456789]{32}: This cookie is essential for the functioning of our website by detecting language preferences and assigning you an anonymous identifier.

Cookie lifespan: User session

Our contact request form :

  • Name
  • Compagny Name
  • Email Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number (optional)
  1. Purposes of the collection of your personal information

 Respond to your request : We use the personal information provided to address your inquiries, comments, or specific information requests submitted through the contact form.

  • Provide customer service : Your personal data is used to deliver effective and personalized customer support, including addressing your concerns, complaints, or assistance requests.
  • Improve our products or services : We utilize the collected information to understand your needs and preferences, aiming to enhance our products, services, or your overall customer experience.
  • Statistical analysis : We use aggregated and anonymized data for traffic observation and customer behavior analysis purposes.
  1. Consent procedures

 To ensure your informed and explicit consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data, the procedures are as follows :

  • Active consent : You consent by continuing to browse our website and clicking on a specific button indicating your agreement with the privacy policy.
  • Cookie refusal : Opting out may impact your customer experience, but it does not fundamentally prevent the site from functioning.
  • Withdrawal of consent : You may withdraw your consent at any time by accessing the 'Manage Cookies' section above.
  1. Security measures implemented to protect your personal information
  • Anonymisation: Your personal information is anonymized upon entry to our website via a cookie. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access this data.
  • Access control: Only authorized personnel have access to the personal information submitted through the contact form.
  1. Use of your personal information

 Personal information is used only for the purposes specified during collection, except with your consent or legal authorization.

  1. Sharing of your personal information

Under no circumstances, without your consent or as permitted by law, do we disclose your personal information in any way.

  1. Retention period and disposal of your personal information

Your personal information is retained only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law.

Once no longer needed or upon reaching the end of its retention period, we securely dispose of personal information.

  1. Management of Complaints and Requests for Access

 The Privacy Officer is responsible for managing complaints as well as requests for access and correction. A process has been established to receive, review, and respond to complaints and access requests regarding the management of your personal information in accordance with legal requirements.

  1. Privacy Officer

 The Privacy Officer responsible for ensuring compliance with these policies and procedures has been designated to :

  • Conduct regular assessments of compliance and the effectiveness of personal information protection policies and procedures.
  • Regularly review and update these policies and procedures to reflect relevant legislative, technological, or organizational changes.
  • Communicate changes to employees and provide necessary training to maintain their compliance.

Contact information of the designated Privacy Officer :

Patrick Charlet - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


By adopting and implementing these policies and procedures, our organization is committed to respecting individuals' privacy rights and protecting their personal information in accordance with the current legislation in Quebec.

Tools that are included


Contacts module : Efficiently manage all your business contacts

Production module : Plan your production processes

Power Search Engine : Research transversally and contextually with this powerful tool

Inventory management module : View, manage and purchase 

Finance module : Manage your finances with the traceability that Divalto offers

Scheduling module : Organize and modify your employees' schedules